Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)

Here's the story - Carol Martin and her three girls with hair of gold met Mike Brady with three boys of his own.  They got together on a hunch and became The Brady Bunch, one of the most treasured sitcoms of all time. Initial squabbles about learning to cohabitate lead way to issues of acrophobia, puberty, smoking, tattling, middle child syndrome and a football injury to end all football injuries.  Mike's lectures, Carol's wisdom and Alice's jokes helped pacify the quandaries.  Family time was aplenty with square dancing and trips to Hawaii and The Grand Canyon.  By the end of season five, the show and kids, had shown their age: Greg was college-bound & Cindy and Bobby had outgrown their cute stage.  Enter Cousin Oliver, one of the pioneers of jumping the shark.  The series would only last another five episodes, which is probably for the best as the sixth season would've found The Bradys without a patriarch.

I am the biggest Brady nerd.  Yes they had no toilet and yes their lawn looked like a mini-golf course but many a kid wished they could live in the Brady home, none more than me.  Potato sack races after school, listening to one of Greg's groovy songs topped off with Alice's meatloaf for dinner.  I have a hunch life couldn't get any better.  But things weren't always groovy behind the scenes as Robert Reed constantly went to battle with creator Sherwood Schwartz over the flimsy scripts and slapstick comedy.  And the kids felt the effects of typecasting after the series went off the air. Thankfully, America wasn't done with the bunch, who reunited, in various forms, for The Brady Bunch Variety Hour, The Brady Girls Get Married/The Brady Brides (1981)A Very Brady Christmas (1988)The Bradys (1990) and most recently A Very Brady Renovation (2019).  Nothing can top the original; however, even if Cousin Oliver got to say the last line of the entire series!

Thanks to Chas at and Lindsay at for finding several of these locations.  Reel to Real was featured in a USA Today article on the Top 10 Brady locations to visit.  Here can read the article here

2/22/25 - This page is under construction.  Photos of the Brady Residence interiors to come.

Location: The Brady Residence
Address: 11222 Dilling St, Studio City, CA




For 5 Seasons, The Brady Bunch filmed on Stage 5 at Paramount Studios.

Season 1, Episode 1 "The Honeymoon"

Location: Mike Brady's House
Address: 12049 Iredell Street, Studio City, CA 

Location: The Martin House
Address: 4101 Longridge Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA 

Season 1, Episode 3 "Eenie Meenie, Mommy Daddy"

Location: Dixie Canyon Elementary School
Address: 4220 Dixie Canyon Avenue, Sherman Oaks, CA 

Season 1, Episode 8 "A Camping We Will Go"

Location: The Campsite
Address: 2600 Franklin Canyon Drive, Beverly Hills, CA     Franklin Canyon 

This area was also seen in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter (1984)  

Season 1, Episode 11 "Vote For Brady"

Location: Fillmore Junior High School
Address: Paramount Studios Backlot, Los Angeles, CA    

This area was also used as Jefferson High School on Happy Days (1974-1984)

Season 1, Episode 12 "The Voice of Christmas"

Location: Downtown Department Store
Address: 100 S San Fernando Boulevard, Burbank, CA 

Formerly a Radio Shack...

Season 1, Episode 14 "Father Of The Year"

Location: The Daily Chronicle Newspaper Building
Address: 5657 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 

Season 1, Episode 20 "Brace Yourself"

Location: Marcia's Dress Shop
Address: 12115 Ventura Boulevard, Studio City, CA 

Season 1, Episode 21 "The Hero"

Location: Peter's Toy Store
Address: 5770 Barack Obama Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Season 1, Episode 22 "The Possible Dream"

Location: Gilbert's Books
Address: 6278 Hollywood Boulevard, Hollywood, CA 

Unfortunately unrecognizable today...

 The Friend In Need Society
Address: 100 E Tujunga Avenue, Burbank, CA

Season 2, Episode 6 "Call Me Irresponsible"

Location: Greg's Bike Chain Breaks
Address: Marlene Dietrich Building - Paramount Studios, Los Angeles, CA

Randy takes off with Greg's bike and Mike's plans!

Season 2, Episode 8 "A Fistfull of Reasons" &
Season 2, Episode 14 "Where There's Smoke"

Location: The Tree
Address: Paramount Studios Backlot, Los Angeles, CA 

This tree saw a lot of action.  First it was where mean Buddy Hinton torments Peter and Cindy before getting his tooth knocked loose.

And then it was the landmark for the most unBrady like thing to do - light up a butt.  Mrs. Johnson needed a glass of water to wash down her foot when she wrongfully accused Greg of harboring a pack of cigs in his letterman jacket after he quit cold turkey.  Turns out it was her very own son, Tommy, who was the culprit.

Season 2, Episode 15 "Will The Real Jan Brady Please Stand Up?"

Location: Jan's Wig Store
Address: 6067 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Season 2, Episode 17 "Coming Out Party"

Location: Carol & Cindy's Hospital
Address: 26800 Mulholland Highway, Calabasas, CA

King Gillette Ranch Administration Building

Season 2, Episode 24 "Tell It Like It Is"

Location: Carol & Mr. Delafield's Restaurant
Address: 1st Street & Hudson Place, Los Angeles, CA

Season 3, Episode 2 "Grand Canyon or Bust"

Location: Searching for Bobby & Cindy 
Address: 3200 Canyon Drive, Los Angeles, CA

When The Bradys reach the bottom of the Grand Canyon, filming switched back to LA around the area where the Bronson Caves are located...

Season 3, Episode 4 "The Wheeler-Dealer"

Location: Greg Practices Driving 
Address: 1st Street & Hudson Place, Los Angeles, CA


Season 3, Episode 8 "And Now, A Word From Our Sponsor"

Location: The Grocery Store
Address: 5877 Franklin Avenue, Los Feliz, CA  Gelson's Market

Are you Team Best or Team Safe?

Season 3, Episode 12 "Getting Davy Jones"

Location: Davy Jones' Hotel
Address: 10501 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Season 3, Episode 13 "The Not-So-Rose-Colored Glasses"

Location: Jan Rides Her Bike
Address: S on N Hudson, turning L on 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 

Season 3, Episode 16 "Dough Re Mi"

Location: Mr. Dimsdale's Recording Studio
Address: 190 N Canon Drive, Beverly Hills, CA

When it's time to change, then it's time to chANge...

Season 3, Episode 20 "Sergeant Emma"

Location: 5 A.M. Calisthenics
Address: S on N June, turning L on 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 

They then turn up N Hudson Street.

Season 4, Episode 1 "Hawaii Bound"

That Mr. Phillips sure is a groovy boss - footing the bill for all The Bradys AND their housekeeper to travel to Hawaii while Mike takes care of some business.  Today you're lucky if you get five minutes to eat lunch at your desk.  But it's not all pineapples and sunsets when Bobby finds a tiki idol that brings a series of unfortunate events that could fill The Grand Canyon. 

Location: The Bradys Arrive in Oahu
Address: 300 Rodgers Boulevard, Honolulu, HI
Honolulu International Airport

My arrival to Oahu wasn't so glamorous:

Location: The Hotel
Address: 2255 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI  The Sheraton Waikiki Hotel

The jade bracelet or the coral pin?

The exact whereabouts when Bobby and Cindy encounter Don Ho and Sam Kapu Jr. isn't known but may have been around here:

Watch out for spiders!

Location: Puu Ualakaa State Park
Address: 2760 Round Top Drive, Honolulu, HI

David, the Jimmy Pocaya of Hawaii, leads The Bradys on sightseeing tour of the island.  Their first stop is the scenic Puu Ualakaa State Park, which the gang has a tough time pronouncing.

Location: Iolani Palace
Address: 364 S King Street, Honolulu, HI

Next up is the Iolani Palace, which is in front of the new state building:

Location: King Kamehameha Statue
Address: 417 S King Street, Honolulu, HI

Just across the street from the Iolani Palace is the King Kamehameha Statue.  It stands in front of Ali'iolani Hale, home of the Hawaii State Supreme Court.

Location: Halona Blow Hole
Address: 8483 Highway 72, Honolulu, HI

Location: Pearl Harbor
Address: 1 Arizona Memorial Road, Honolulu, HI

David continues sharing his plethora of knowledge, pointing out submarines and destroyers before heading to the USS Arizona Memorial:

Location: The Hula Lesson
Address: 2259 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI

Location: The Brady Girls' Picnic
Address: Hanauma Bay, Honolulu, HI

Unfortunately the parking lot was full on my last day on Oahu and I wasn't allowed down to the beach and on the way back, it had closed for the day so this shot from Kalaniana'ole Highway will have to do until my next visit...

Location: Greg's Wipeout
Address: Waikiki Beach, near 2552 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI

A bit further down from the hula lesson is where the surfing contest was filmed based on the rock formation.  What remains of Waikiki Beach is about three feet wide and there is actually none in front of the Sheraton.

You can see The Sheraton Waikiki in the background on the right:

Greg Brady's got nothin' on me:

They paved paradise and put up hotels galore:

Season 4, Episode 2 "Pass The Tabu"

Location: The Brady Boobies Meet a Red-Footed Booby
Address: 41-202 Kalanianaole Highway, Waimanalo, HI   Sea Life Park

Rabbit Island can be seen just off the coast:

In the photo above you can see a white spec on the left side of the mountain.  It's a lighthouse that bears a striking resemblance to the one featured in John Carpenter's The Fog (1980)

Location: Ko'olua Mountains
Address: 45-680 Luluku Road, Kaneohe, HI  
Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens

David points out the Ko'olua Mountains to the boys before giving them directions to the burial ground.  The exact spot is not known but was taken somewhere in the Ho'omaluhia Botanical Gardens.

A soundstage luau seems rather dull in comparison to The Marriott's in Ko Olina: 

The tall one on the right kind of looks like Oliver, don't you think?

That concludes the location tour of The Brady's hijinks in Hawaii.  I leave you with a few shots that will hopefully entice you to visit and check them out for yourself...

Season 4, Episode 4 "Today, I am A Freshman"

Location: Westdale High School
Address: Paramount Pictures Studios - Production Park, Los Angeles, CA 

Season 4, Episode 5 "Cyrano De Brady"

Location: Peter Gives Keri A Mud Mask
Address: Paramount Pictures Studios - Lucy Park, Los Angeles, CA 

The Hollywood Hills are alive with The Sound of Music.  Peter's crush Keri was played by Kym Karath, who portrayed the youngest Von Trapp child, Gretl.  Later in the season, Nicholas Hammond (Friedrich) guest-starred as Doug Simpson, the big man on campus...

Season 4, Episode 10 "Goodbye, Alice, Hello"

Location: Kay's Apartment
Address: 3222 Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 

The Brady kids turn on Alice?  To this day I get teary-eyed when Bobby says Alice isn't their friend anymore.  But I knew she'd be back since there was no place for that wet blanket Kay.  Thanks to Robert Patterson at Set Jetter for finding this location...

 The Golden Spoon Cafe
Address: 3222 Cahuenga Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 

Season 4, Episode 13 "Love And The Older Man"

Location: Dr. Vogel's Office Building
Address: 16260 Ventura Boulevard, Encino, CA

Mrs. Marcia Dentist had a nice ring to it...

Season 4, Episode 17 "Bobby's Hero"

Location: Bobby's Elementary School
Address: 8701 Charleville Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

The entrance seen is on S. Hamel Drive

Season 4, Episode 19 "How To Succeed In Business"

Location: The Bradys Ride Bikes
Address: W on 1st Street passing N. Hudson Avenue, Los Angeles, CA

They then turn N on June Street...

Season 5, Episode 7 "Marcia Gets Creamed"

Location: Haskell's Ice Cream Shop
Address: 13701 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, CA

Jan FINALLY outshines Marcia...

Season 5, Episode 14 "Kelly's Kids"

Location: The Playground
Address: Paramount Pictures Studios - Lucy Park, Los Angeles, CA 

Boring backdoor pilot alert!  Only to be outshined in the 80s when The Golden Girls (1985-1992) attempted to spin-off Empty Nest (1988-1995).

Season 5, Episode 15 "The Driver's Seat"

Location: Marcia's Driving Test
Address: Paramount Pictures Studios - Bronson Gate, Los Angeles, CA 

Season 5, Episode 17 "Welcome Aboard"

Location: The Movie Studio
Address: Paramount Pictures Studios - Bronson Gate, Los Angeles, CA

Season 5, Episode 22 "The Hair-Brained Scheme"

Location: Greg's Beauty Salon
Address: 4700 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Rey, CA

Robert Reed did not appear in the very last episode since he considered the plot to be absurd...

Locations Visited: September 2003, March 2016, July 2016, October 2016, July 2018, June 2021, July 2022, August 2023

Related Locations:

9/19 - I entered The Very Brady Contest in hopes of winning the chance to stay in the The Brady Bunch house after HGTV renovated the interior. Unfortunately I was not one of the nine finalists. But I'm not bitter.  I'm sure the voting committee was fair and impartial, just like Greg was when he voted for the new head cheerleader.  Here was my submission.  I'll let you be the judge...    


  1. These were fun. You are brilliant. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I attended Dixie Canyon Elementary School in the mid 1970's. At the time we were renting a house from Jerry Orbach on Bloomfield Studio City. My brother's best friend lived on Dilling St. I had remembered watching the Ernie Meanie Mommy Daddy episode of Brady Bunch but I couldn't understand the plot of only one parent attending the play, as Dixie Canyon had 2 huge auditoriums and could accommodate parents and family members as students could bring. I used to bug my mother all of the time, asking if I could go visit the "Brady Kids". Thank you for posting all of this terrific nostalgia!

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you like the photos! That is so cool you went to Dixie Canyon! One of my old apartments was just down the road from Bloomfield Drive.

    2. Nice. It was amazingly empty when I went there. And btw, I think scene where the boys are looking at the Ko'olua Mountains, it was filmed at or near 41 Waikupanaha St. You can match up the ridges.

  3. My wife and i also like looking for film locations. Thanks for the info and the pics r great!

  4. Wow, Lightning Bolt surfboards. They are worth a fortune nowadays.

  5. Greg Brady is married to a real life Asian hula girl now lol

  6. Hey -- Great stuff! A very thorough dive into the Brady locations. One thing, I spent hours searching the Bronson Caves area and couldn't find any matching landscapes from the show. Are you sure the Grand Canyon stuff was filmed there?

    1. Thank you! According to Chris Knight on The Brady Bros Podcast, it was filmed there. It was tough trying to figure out the spots they used. I'm not entirely sure that area was used but it looks like it could.
