When you see her on a movie poster, say a prayer and kiss your money goodbye. You know a film is in trouble when there are punctuation mistakes in the title. Throw in a stupid plot, Madonna as the star and you've got a perfect storm for a cinematic turd. Who's That Girl is a screwball comedy with the Material Girl playing a framed free spirit trying to prove her innocence with the help of a stuffy tax attorney. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of The Queen of Pop (except for that embarrassing rendition of Santa Baby). But my love for her quickly disintegrates once she leaves the recording studio and steps onto a movie set. Yes, she hit it out of the park in A League Of Their Own (1992) ;-) even though she basically played herself. But that doesn't make us forget the hours we lost suffering through her celluloid catastrophes. The only good thing to come out of the movie were the singles "Causing A Commotion" and the title track. Who's That Girl was filmed in New York, NY and Pasadena, Arcadia and Oxnard, CA
Location: Wendy Worthington's Townhouse Address: 16 E 94th Street, New York, NY Shanghai surprise! A building I needed to visit was covered with scaffolding! That never happens...
Location: Trump Tower Address: 725 5th Avenue, New York, NY
Location: Wendy & Friends Get Tied Up Address: 324 W 105th Street, New York, NY
Location: Loudon Walking Address: 5th Avenue & 83rd Street, New York, NY The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Blended family woes abound in this TGIF staple. Divorced Frank Lambert and his three kids get together with widowed Carol Foster and her three kids to somehow form a family. Wait a minute! I have a hunch I've seen this premise before! Oh yes, it was done over twenty years prior on The Brady Bunch (1969-1974). But I guess ABC was hungry for another Miller-Boyett production so who cared if the premise lacked originality. Step By Step switched networks for the seventh season, which is the kiss of death in TV land, and suffered the same fate Diff'rent Strokes (1978-1986) had. And like that show, the kids of Step by Step suffered off camera struggles with Sasha Mitchell's prison stint, Angela Watson's parents squandering her earnings, and Brandon Call being shot. Josh Byrne suffered the same fate as Jaimie Foxworth from Family Matters (1989-1998) and was written off of the show with no explanation when it went to CBS. Unlike Jaimie, his post-sitcom career is not x-rated.
Location: The Lambert House Address: 2011 Fletcher Avenue, South Pasadena, CA
During the opening credits, you see a car pass 913 Meridian Avenue, which I remember seeing the 8000 times I visited The Myers House from Halloween (1978) across the street...
The Bradys are back with a humdinger of a problem - Carol's presumed dead husband, Roy, has resurfaced. This puts a damper on Mike's plans to renew their wedding vows for their anniversary. Meanwhile, the kids have problems of their own - Marcia and Greg can't deny their growing attraction to each other, Peter frets about interning at Mike's firm and Jan tries to pull the polyester ;-) over everyone's eyes with a fake boyfriend. When Roy kidnaps Carol, the family bans together to rescue her in Hawaii. The renewal of vows takes place with an unexpected guest - Mike's presumed dead wife! I saw this movie the day before I headed off to college so I was a bit preoccupied. I remembered it not being as good as The Brady Bunch Movie (1995), but it's become a bit groovier with repeat viewings. With five seasons to draw on, there were plenty of references and jokes that couldn't be squeezed into the first movie and found a place in A Very Brady Sequel. A second sequel was made for TV with Shelley Long and Gary Cole, but oddly enough, a new bunch of kids. For many Brady fans, its best swept under the astroturf, like Alice's friend Kay. A Very Brady Sequel was filmed in Kaneohe and Honolulu, HI and Encino, Santa Monica, Malibu, Pasadena and Los Angeles, CA
Location: Krabi, Thailand Address: 49-560 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe, HI Kualoa Movie Ranch
Location: The Brady Residence Address: 4439 Firmanent Avenue, Encino, CA Making an appearance once again, a facade was placed in front of the residence, which has since been remodeled...
Location: The Equator Coffee Shop Address: 22 Mills Place, Pasadena, CA Edwin Mills by Equator
The bar/restaurant is found along this quaint little shopping alley off E Colorado Blvd...
Location: Marcia & Cindy Stroll Waikiki Address: near 2552 Kalakaua Avenue, Honolulu, HI The Sheraton Waikiki, which can be seen on the far left, is where The Bradys stayed during the Hawaii episodes of The Brady Bunch (1969-1974)...
Location: Searching For Carol Address: 49-560 Kamehameha Highway, Kaneohe, HI Kualoa Movie Ranch
The tour at the ranch is spectacular, but I was a little disappointed that they didn't mention anything about this movie filming there. I just happened to recognize a few spots. I would've liked to have known where exactly Carol escaped from Roy...