Saturday, September 16, 2017

Revenge (2011-2015)

Amanda Clarke, posing as Emily Thorne, returns to The Hamptons hellbent on seeking revenge against The Grayson family and many others who were involved in framing her father for treason. Who doesn't love a good revenge story?  One that could be played out in an hour and forty-five minutes or maybe over a few episodes.  But an entire series?

I had my doubts when I heard the premise that this could interest me until reaching syndication, but I tuned in anyways.  I was hooked from the moment Emily whipped out that red sharpie and made her first cross out.  I thought maybe they would go the anthology route and have a new story each year but after the season finale, it was clear they were continuing the Emily Thorne saga.  Unfortunately the sharpie dried out pretty quickly after that.  The producers realized the series had gone off the rails and tried to recover with promises of resurrecting her crimson crosser outer, but the show never got back to the first season's energy.  I stayed with it until the bitter end but unfortunately by then it was mostly background noise.

Revenge filming locations include Southport, NC, Wilmington NC, East Hampton, NY and Marina Del Rey, CA 

Location: Amanda Clarke/Emily Thorne's House
Address: 6249 Pebble Shore Lane, Southport, NC

My first glimpse of the house was on the ferry ride back from Bald Head Island visiting the locations from Weekend At Bernie's (1989)

Location: Porter's Stowaway Tavern (Pilot)
Address: 106 Yacht Basin Drive, Southport, NC  Fishy Fish CafĂ©

This was also Southport Muscle in I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997).  Barry Cox's house is just down the road from Emily/Amanda's house. Once the pilot went to series, production moved to LA and a location in Marina del Rey filled in for the tavern...

Location: The South Fork Inn
Address: 23 S 2nd Street, Wilmington, NC  The City Club of Wilmington

This location was pretty easy to track down thanks to the 23 address sign. It's here that Emily spikes Conrad's soup.  In reality it is The City Club of Wilmington at De Rosset, a beautifully restored home from the 1840's that is used today as a reception venue...

Locations Visited: April 2017

1 comment:

  1. the air shots showing the main road bearing left, is that in Montauk?
